
VR/AR Company Quickly Files Nine Patents

June 2024
Virtual & Augmented Reality Company Files Nine Patents at a Fraction of the Hassle, Time, and Cost of Using Traditional Legal Services.


A USA-based group of companies focused on developing innovative VR/AR solutions for various sectors, creating products and software services that form the metaverse. NASDAQ-listed company.


  • Quickly identifies the most novel aspects of their inventions with platform insights and prior art research.
  • They have gained full visibility and control over patent processes.
  • Applies legal best practices.
  • Files provisional and non-provisional patents in a fraction of the time and cost compared to before.
  • Fosters an ecosystem of excitement and innovation within the company.


The Glimpse Group was well-acquainted with the cumbersome, traditional patent process before discovering senseIP. “Finding good IP attorneys was time-consuming and labor-intensive,” recalls CEO Lyron Bentovim. “You had to ensure the same attorney handled your patent from start to finish, as they often moved firms, forcing us to either follow them or start anew. This meant more time and money, with the process sometimes stretching over three to five years and involving multiple stages. It was difficult to keep up with and understand the legal jargon, let alone gain visibility of the process.”

Inventors within the group struggled to convey their ideas to patent attorneys, who lacked technical expertise. Likewise, technologists found navigating the legal text required for patent filings challenging, slowing the processes and adding even more to attorney costs.

Adding to the frustration, inventors often spend tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees and prior art research, only to discover their patents are inadequate in the eyes of the USPTO. This led to numerous office actions and ongoing attorney fees to handle the required complex legal correspondence. “As a result, some patents were abandoned, while others offered minimal protection for our inventions,” says Bentovim, “I knew we needed a better way to work on patents.”


The Glimpse Group began generating provisional patents with the senseIP platform, an interactive GenAI platform built for ideation, research, drafting, filing, and management of patents. “We were surprised at how quickly we obtained prior art research and identified ways to differentiate our inventions,” explains Bentovim. “Multiple Teams used the platform to position their inventions better, assess their novelty, and refine their descriptions to enhance protection and expedite patent approval.”

Instead of paying attorneys to communicate with the patent office, the platform provides specific prior art knowledge within minutes,saving weeks or months and guiding inventors in editing their applications.“

The platform is intuitive, affordable, and easier than dealing with a patent attorney,”concludes Bentovim. 


The Glimpse Group has filed five provisional patents and four high-quality non-provisional patents (nine patents) without dealing with law office clerks or attorneys. The cost of filing these patents is negligible compared to their previous expenses with IP attorneys. They regularly use the platform for quick prior art research and market insights.

"Beyond saving tens of thousands of dollars, the key benefit is the visibility and control over the process. This allows us to strategize our business with a focus on market leadership. Law firms can't match the speed and precision of senseIP's platform information, nor do they always share all their findings with inventors."

The Group has significantly reduced the time from innovation to securing IP, fostering a culture of innovation and creativity. "I foresee great innovations coming from our inventors, who feel empowered by their ability to quickly and easily see what's in the market. Our business is expanding, and it is no coincidence."

“Law firms can’t match the speed and precision of the senseIP platform. So far, we have filed nine patents easily while saving thousands of dollars and years of labor and avoiding all the frustration we had before."
Lyron Bentovim
CEO, The Glimpse Group